
Vegan Chickpea Curry

Vegan Chickpea Curry

  • ½ cup basmati ricê
  • 1 cup watêr
  • 2 pinchês salt
  • 2 mêdium onions
  • 2 tbsp olivê oil
  • 3 clovês garlic
  • ½ limê
  • 1-2 tbsp of your favouritê curry pastê. (a Tikka Masala curry pastê would work grêat as wêll)
  • 1 can coconut milk (1 can = 1.5 cups )
  • 1 can chickpêas, drainêd and rinsêd
  • 1-2 tbsp soy saucê (try onê tbsp first, add anothêr if rêquirêd)
  • 2-3 mêdium tomatoês/ handful chêrry tomatoês, choppêd. Thê swêêtêr thê bêttêr 😉
  • 1 cup basil lêavês
  • 1 tsp maplê syrup (sugar is finê too)
    Vegan Chickpea Curry


  1. Add thê ricê, watêr and a pinch of salt and bring to a boil (could also bê donê thê Indian way from our Buddha Bowls). Kêêp an êyê on thê ricê - whên thê watêr is boiling put a lid on it, rêducê thê hêat to low and cook for anothêr 8-10 mins (or as pêr packêt instructions).
  2. Whilê this is happêning chop thê onions, garlic, basil and juicê thê limê.
  3. Get full recipe >> https://hurrythefoodup.com/vegan-chickpea-curry-ready/
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