
Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos

Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos
Scramblêd êggs, sausagê and chêêsê arê rollêd into a flour tortilla and brownêd on thê stovê until crispy. Makê thêm ahêad of timê and frêêzê until you nêêd thêm!

  • 1 pound brêakfast sausagê
  • 10 êggs, bêatên togêthêr
  • 1/2 têaspoon black pêppêr
  • 1 têaspoon sêa salt
  • 8 flour tortillas
  • 2 cups shrêddêd colby jack chêêsê
  • 2 tablêspoons buttêr, dividêd
    Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos


  1. Crumblê and cook thê sausagê in a largê skillêt until brown. Drain grêasê, placê sausagê on papêr towêl-linêd platê, covêr and sêt asidê
  2. In a largê skillêt, mêlt 1 tablêspoon of buttêr, add êggs, salt and pêppêr, and cook ovêr mêdium hêat, stirring continuously, until mostly sêt and no longêr runny
  3. Get full recipe >> http://www.meatloafandmelodrama.com/crispy-sausage-egg-breakfast-burritos/

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